En komparativ studie av interaktiva element hos svensk kvällspress och morgonpress online

Uppsats/Examensarbete: 15 hp Program och/eller kurs: MKV C Nivå: Grundnivå Termin/år: Ht/2015 Handledare: Annika Bergström Examinator: Gabriella Sandstig Antal ord: 12098 Nyckelord: Interactivity, interactive features, newspapers online, convergence, broadsheet, tabloid, Swedish press Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine differences and similarities in the use of interactive features for Swedish tabloids and broadsheets online. Types of features have also been studied in correlation to categories of news content. Theory: Marketing, marketing communications theory, and web theory are applied for the purpose of describing the differences and similarities in choices made by tabloids and broadsheets, in regards to selection and use of interactive features. Method: A quantitative method of analysis has been applied. The content of four of Sweden’s best known newspapers, Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter (DN) and Svenska Dagbladet (SvD), has been analysed during the length of a week in December 2015. Results: Results indicate that tabloids interact more with their readers than broadsheets, using a broader variety of types of interactive features connected to a spectrum of social media outlets. Broadsheets use fewer types of interactive features, but offer them to their audience as much as the tabloids do. Tabloids let their readers comment on news more often than broadsheets, but broadsheets present more of actively solicited user generated content in their content. Tabloids offer most interactive features in news categorized as sports and entertainment. Broadsheets offer most interactive features in content categorised as news and entertainment.

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MKV, Examensarbete , ht15
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