Om dagspressens rapportering kring Mehdi Ghezali, Safia Benaouda, Munir Awad

Our aim was to find out how seven daily newspapers in Sweden portrayed the three Swedish citizens Mehdi Ghezali, Safia Benaouda and Munir Awad who were arrested in Pakistan in the autumn of 2009, suspected of terrorist activities. We included two morning papers; Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet, two evening papers; Göteborgs-Posten and Sydsvenskan. We thought it might differ in some ways from the other papers because Örebro is the hometown of Mehdi Ghezali. Maybe they would take Ghezali in defence more than the other papers?

Maria Bard,Jasmin de Freitas,Emma Westman
Journalist, Journalistikgranskning , ht09
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