”Wir schaffen das!”
En jämförande studie av tysk och svensk rikstäckande dagspress under flyktingkrisen 2015
Title: “Wir schaffen das!”
– A comparative analysis of German and Swedish nationwide press during the refugee crisis in 2015.
Authors: Emil Salmaso and John Falkirk
Subject: Undergraduate research paper in journalism studies, Dept. of journalism, media and communication
(JMG) Gothenburg University
Term: Spring 2016
Supervisor: Mathias A. Färdigh, JMG, Gothenburg University
Pages/words: 47/24571
Purpose: To examine differences between Swedish and German nationwide press in the coverage of political leaders during the refugee crisis in 2015.
Method: Qualitative text analysis
Procedure: In-depth analysis of ten newspaper articles, five from the German paper Süddeutsche Zeitung and five from the Swedish paper Dagens Nyheter.
Results: The results broadly correspond with earlier comparative findings about media culture and systems. Dagens Nyheter was both critically investigative and analytical, which puts them
in-between a liberal Anglo-Saxon and a North European democratic-corporative tradition.
Süddeutsche Zeitung appeared not to have the same aim as the Swedish paper regarding impartiality and a critical point of view, putting them closer to a pluralistic and partisan tradition.
Key words:
Comparing media systems, framing, media culture, media history, news rhetoric, Süddeutsche
Zeitung, Dagens Nyheter, Hallin & Mancini, Frank Esser