Hemlöshet i Göteborgs dagspress
Nyhetsbilden av hemlöshet i Göteborgs dagstidningar under åren 20052010
Title The media image of homelessness in Gothenburg’s daily press Author Ingrid Karlsson Semester Spring 2010 Tutor Monika Djerf-Pierre Number of pages 73 (14 appendix) Aim The aim is to study the media image of homelessness in Gothenburg’s daily press. Method Qualitative and quantitative method. Material Six interviews with people working for the municipal social administration, three interviews with people working at nongovernmental organizations that work with homeless people, and three interviews with journalists that cover the homelessness issue. 267 articles from the daily press; Göteborgs-Posten and GT. Main result The media image of homelessness is characterized by articles that contain a political discussion. The newspapers tend to attribute causal and treatment responsibility to the society. The study reveals however some deficiencies concerning how to explain the causes of homelessness and also the way of describing the homeless individuals. The journalists take in consideration the problems concerning ethics and the use of sources, and are aware that homelessness is a more interesting topic when something has happened. The organization representatives accept the journalistic assignment but think that the coverage could highlight more concrete descriptions of their work.