Kategoriarkiv: Journalistikgranskning

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Det miljöjournalistiska arbetet

Title: Det miljöjournalistiska arbetet – En kvalitativ undersökning om miljö- och
klimatjournalistik ur ett redaktionellt perspektiv
Authors: Hanna Josefsson och Miranda Smedberg
Level: Bachelor thesis in Journalism
Term: HT 2021
Supervisor: Emil Östlund

Aim: The aim of our study is to examine the editorial approach to climate and environmental reporting in Swedens largest newsrooms. Through qualitative interviews with editorial
offices, we investigate this matter with a basis of four questions as a foundation for further review: 1. How do different newsrooms relate to environmental issues in news evaluation and reporting? 2. How much space, according to the newsrooms, does environmental news get in contrast to other news, and how is that justified? 3. What are the differences between the environmental journalistic work of the various newsrooms? 4. How do the editorial offices look at the future regarding the work with environmental journalism?

Theoretical framework: To model the questions of the interviews and to create a theoretical framework to relate to, explaining the phenomena in the analysis, we take support and
inspiration from the theories of news values and media logic.

Method: To fulfill the aim of the study, a qualitative interview study was implemented, using the interview answers as a source to how the largest newsrooms in Sweden approach to
environmental journalism. We chose seven of Sweden’s most popular news medias, containing TV, radio, daily and evening news papers. Six of these participated. With help from former research and the chosen theories, we formed a questionary and met up with one (in one case two) journalists, most of them editor-in-chiefs, at each editorial office.

Results: The result of the study shows that the editorial offices all agrees that the climate is a subject of great importance that needs and gets more priority than earlier, but they work with
it in slightly different ways. The interviewees are also agreed on that the news valuing work is almost the same regardless the subject. At the same time many challenges when working
with environmental journalism came up for discussion. Therefore, our conclusion is that the subject in some ways is harder to work with than others. We´ve identified differences
between the editorial offices in how they organize the staff. From having an own climate editorial with specialized reporters, to not having it – and instead distribute the environmental journalism to all reporters. Up until now we´ve identified a variety of methods to communicate and focusing on the issue. For example, Aftonbladet and Expressen have live
pages for faster climate news. SVT has a newsletter for subscribers. Last spring DN had a whole day’s paper just focusing on climate news. In the future, all the newsrooms have the ambition to continue focusing on the matter. TV4 consider connecting a council of experts to the newsroom. SR is planning for a big focus on environmental issues in the politics,
regarding the upcoming election in Sweden. Some other plans are not yet official.

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Facit till framgång

This is a qualitative study that aims to investigate which skills and characteristics that are
crucial for being employed as a reporter at a newsroom in Sweden today, and how an ideal
reporter is described from the perspective of employers. Including topics as education,
experience, and personality as a base for discussion about importance of those for a possible

The area affected by the study lacks a theoretical basis due to the lack of previous studies on
this topic and therefore the study is based on a theory that also concerns human resources.
Therefor the Signaling theory will be applied on this study, to examine which signals that
help employers to make decisions about who they should hire. Furthermore, the concept of
diversity will examine whether and how it plays a role during the recruitment of new
reporters. Thus, whether employers actively reason about diversity when they recruit, and
what in that case is sought and determine the final employment decision.

The study is based on semi-structured interviews where approximately 20 predetermined
questions under themes as education, personality, experience and others were asked to the
respondents. Follow-up questions were also included depending on the situation for a more
in-depth knowledge of the subject. The interviews were implemented with ten respondents
who are involved in recruitment processes within various media companies in Sweden
including Hallands-Posten, SVT Riksnyheter online, SVT Västerbotten, Aftonbladet, Ekot,
P4 Stockholm, TV4 Nyheter och Samhälle, Göteborgs-Posten and Svenska Dagbladet.

Result shows that it is important for employers that the reporter has a journalism education
but less important with which, has previous experience of an editorial office, experience of
different media, can collaborate and come up with ideas, is driven and likes sharp situations.
As for the most important factors of education, experience and personality, the education
turned out to be the least important and previous experience the most. There should be a
diversity in the editorial office where the candidate who contributes with new perspectives or
something extraordinary becomes more interesting and you should have the desire to develop
personally in your profession as well as together with the company. The description of an
ideal reporter varies but the abilities that are described repeatedly are to be fast, creative,
committed, have a broad experience, be passionate about investigative journalism and have a
unique background.

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Rapporteringen om våldtäkter under pandemin

In 2020, when the corona pandemic swept across the world, restrictions were introduced that regulated the way people socialized. Some of the regulations were that night clubs closed, festivals and concerts were canceled or rescheduled. People were recommended to mostly work and study from home to reduce the spread of the coronavirus. The following are the main questions addressed in this thesis: What does the reporting on rape look like during the
pandemic in 2020 in the following newspapers: Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter and Expressen?
How does rape reporting in 2020 differ from the year before in 2019? How does the news reporting reflect the crime statistics for 2020 compared to 2019? This is what this study aims to find out.

Our theoretical framework is built on the agenda setting theory, media logic about news
values and the selection of the news, and the Swedish media ethics of journalism.

The methodology we used was a quantitative content analysis of articles in the newspapers
Aftonbladet, Expressen and Dagens Nyheter. We analyzed a total of 788 articles about rape,
based on our selection in searchfield. Our code scheme with 51 variables asked different
questions about the texts and their images.

We found a total of 345 articles about rape in 2020, compared to 443 articles in 2019, which
means that fewer articles were published in the form of rape reporting in the analyzed media in 2020 compared with the year before, 2019. In statistics about reported rapes from 2019 and 2020, we found that the same amount of rapes were reported against women aged 18 or older during both years. That means that news reporting about rape differ between the years, even though the same amount of rapes were reported. The news reporting in the studied
newspapers corresponds to the crime statistics for some of the variables we have chosen to investigate. Though some are not consistent with the statistics, for instance the place of the rape and relationships between the perpetrator and victims. The result of this study is that the analyzed newspapers do not report about rape in a way that reflect the crime statistics.

”Sanningen måste fram”

Purpose: The main purpose of the study is to examine why people seek out to alternative media, and what information and needs they can’t get satisfied from the traditional medias in Sweden.

Method: Qualitative interviews with readers of the alternative media Samnytt.

Procedure: Ten interviews with readers of Samnytt were transcribed and analyzed using uses and gratifications theory and hostile media phenomenon.

Results: The results of this study show that readers of alternative media find the traditional medias reporting as inadequate and are therefore seeking to alternative media. The feeling the readers have is that the big media companies in Sweden are obscuring the truth. The readers feel the urge to read their news with an alternative agenda that does not obscure their view of Swedish society. The freedom of the press and speech is something that the readers feel is threatened since the traditional medias won’t write about all aspects of for example a crime or society in general. The reason for traditional medias to not omit details in their reporting is according to the readers of alternative media, that they have a political agenda to stand by, which summarily is why alternative media is needed in society.

Om ingen hör dig, finns du då?

This thesis aims to map participants in the public service program “Sommar i P1”. This is based on a representation perspective of which the following five factors: gender, age, ethnicity, geographical location and profession are central. Thus, the study intends to examine what representation looks like in the program. Furthermore, the study also means to research changes over time, of which the years are 2001, 2006, 2011, 2016 and 2021.

Study is based on representation theories by Jostein Gripsrud and Stuart Hall who believe that the media should represent all groups in society. In the absence of representation, stereotypes and constructed opinions about reality are created. Theorists therefore emphasize the importance of fair and varied reporting and portrayal of which particular groups and aspects are more vulnerable than others.

Method of choice is used with a deductive approach, in the form of a quantitative content analysis. Thereto the thesis uses statistical design which collects a large amount of information from analysis units – 291 hosts are coded according to 26 variables.

Results show that the representation in “Sommar i P1” in general is deficient. In summary, the
study shows that people aged 36-65, as well as people born, raised and living in a big city,
dominate the range of hosts. Also the majority of hosts work in either culture, media and design
industries and if one looks at the perspective of gender, women and men are equally represented. Furthermore it is noticed that the results within gender and profession are consequent over time, this unlike age where the mean value for women is increasing. Due to missing values within place of birth, upbringing and geographical location, changes can not be defined.

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”Av män, för män och om män”

Aim of thesis: The aim of this study is to investigate and acquire knowledge about how often
and in what way women, compared to men, are portrayed in local newspapers online sports
sections and the underlying editorial reasons behind it. The study also aims to investigate in
what quantity portrayed women are allowed to declare oneself compared to portrayed men in the local newspapers online sports sections, however the study also aims to investigate the underlying editorial reasons behind these conceivable differences.

Theoretical framework: This study has been inspired by earlier studies in the same category, these earlier studies have also been used to compare results and thereby be able to put this study’s results into a bigger perspective where the results could possibly help show changes or developments in the invested area during time. As a base for this study three theories have been used, the theory of news values, gender logic and masculine hegemony.
These theories and earlier studies have helped us understand the historical effect and premises of gender in society generally but also specifically in the field we have investigated.

Methods: This study’s result has been achieved by using both content analyses and qualitative interview analyses, which both investigated the same four local newspapers. The quantitative survey analysed in total 473 articles published online, the survey took place every second day at 9:00 am during a period of two weeks. The study’s qualitative survey investigates the reasons behind the quantitative survey’s results by interviewing each
invested newspaper’s sport editor. This part of the study was done to understand why there are differences in sports reporting when it comes to gender, how the news editors view this difference and how they work to counteract this pattern.

Results: This study’s results indicate that sports dominated by men receive more attention in the investigated newspapers. A majority of the articles are about male athletes, and that men are used as interviewee more than women, even when the article is portraying women or a female dominated sport. The study shows that the two male dominated sports football and ice hockey are by far the most reported sports online in the local newspapers. The qualitative interviews show that the news reader’s interest measured by the amount of articles viewing
statistics is a big factor in how the news selection is made. It also shows a lack of editorial strategies concerning gender representations in the newscontent, but that the topic is a part of a constant daily discussion amongst the editorial staff. The editors interviewed in this study do however all agree that they, to a certain point, carry a societal responsibility in the aim for
a more gender equal reporting of sport.

“All we hear is blah, blah, blah”

The aim of this thesis is to investigate how six nationwide Swedish news mediums reported on the first part of the IPCC:s Fifth Assessment Report, Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis, and compare it to the reporting of the first part of the Sixth Assessment Report, Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. Thus we will compare our results between the different years and the different kinds of news mediums.

The four papers analyzed are Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet, Expressen and Aftonbladet. The two television news programs analyzed are SVT1 Rapport 19.30 and TV4 Nyheterna 19.00. The material that was analyzed consists of 173 articles and tv-segments,
published one week before and three weeks after the reports were published each year. Our material therefore extends from September 23d to October 21st, 2013, and from August 2nd to August 30th, 2021.

Previous research shows that journalists have a hard time fitting climate science into media logic. This is because slow processes like climate change and scientific hypotheses and prognoses about the future hold little news value. Because of this we wanted to examine how our chosen news media frames the issue of climate change and how well the news coverage
conveyed the research of the IPCC. Theories of media logic and framing were therefore used to guide our analysis and draw conclusions.

When designing our codebook we relied heavily on operational indicators of previous studies, including O’Neill, Williams, Kurz, Wiersma and Boykoff (2015) and Kunelius, Eide, Tegelberg and Yagodin (2017). We also used Ghersetti’s, Andersson Odén’s and Wallin’s (2008) operational indicators to classify the tone of the articles and tv-segments, for example if they were alarming or calming.

The results of the study show a considerable increase of news value around the IPCC report
with a 120 percent increase in articles and tv-segments between the years – of which the daily
papers mainly increased their amount of opinion articles, whereas the evening papers mainly increased their amount of news articles. In addition, the evening papers covered the climate
report more continuously than the other news mediums. We also see that 70 percent of our material from 2021 is of an alarming tone, which goes hand in hand with an increase in frames of disaster and local/specific concerns. We also see that the places that are reported on as affected by climate change are moving closer to Europe and Sweden. What we also see is that the news reporting is in accordance with the scientific research field, discussions about
scientific uncertainty occur quite rarely in 2013 and almost not at all in 2021.

“Ekonomisk brottslighet är inte riktigt lika sexigt”

Aim of thesis: The aim of this study is to examine how local Swedish crime reporters work with framing and news selection. Furthermore, what kind of ethical dilemmas that can arise when it comes to reporting on crime and the reporters’ reasoning behind them. To examine this, the questions this study will answer are how the crime reporters describe their journalistic ethical consideration regarding their work. Moreover, how do they describe their selection regarding events and how do they describe their framing when it comes to reporting
on crime.

Theoretical framework: This study is based on a theoretical framework consisting of media logic and framing theory. Framing theory was chosen regarding the selection of details, framing, the reporters make during their work as well as how they portray a crime. Furthermore, media logic was chosen because it explains how news is presented, which events that ultimately turn out to be news and the reasoning behind the process.

Methods(s): The study was implemented through qualitative interviews. The material consists
of nine in-depth interviews with crime reporters from Swedish local newspapers. The interviews were thereafter transcripted and resulted in about 10 pages for each interview.

Results: The study found that the local perspective is distinctly present when it comes to the reporter’s ethical reasoning. Each of them describes the selection of details as a balancing act between making the article exciting to read, but at the same time preserving the integrity of the people involved. Additionally, the results concluded that the severity of the crime plays a great part regarding the reporter’s news selection. The reporters themselves also gave examples of techniques used to incorporate subtle sensationalism. However the reasoning behind it in their point of view is to provide good journalism rather than commercial reasons.

Den raka och kompetenta kronprinsessan

The purpose of this essay is to study the media framing of Swedish minister of finance Magdalena Andersson during the fall of 2021, when she was the primary candidate for the role as the leader for the Social Democratic Party and later became Sweden’s first female prime minister.

The essay will study the media representation of Andersson from three Swedish newspapers: “Aftonbladet”, “Dagens Nyheter” and “Svenska Dagbladet”. The focus in this study is how the media representation of Magdalena Andersson is affected by her sex, since no woman in Swedish politics has ever had the role as prime minister. The essay investigates the news coverage from three main Swedish newspapers, from the candidacy to the election. The study is based on a quantitative content analysis of the presence, focus and description of Magdalena Andersson and has coded the articles based on variables in SPSS. The variables are taken from theories of framing and gender. The three different newspapers have different political roots. “Aftonbladet” is independent social democratic, “Dagens Nyheter” is independent liberal and “Svenska Dagbladet” is independent moderate. We have chosen newspapers with varying political positions to investigate possible differences in framing of Magdalena Andersson that could depend on political roots.

Results: One result was that November was the month with the most articles. We found that logical
considering the large and important political events which involved Magdalena Andersson during that month, she had to be approved as prime minister twice. We did find various adjectives in the
articles we studied, but we thought we would find more adjectives than we did. However, the
adjectives we did find, some of them, can be described as only being used on females or female
politicians. We suspect the lack of major focus on Anderssons gender has to do with the focus on
the political work she had as minister of finance and party leader.

Från invasion till evakuering

The purpose of this study was to examine how four major Swedish newspapers reported about the conflict in Afghanistan, that became relevant again following the evacuation of the country, which led to the Taliban takeover. The aim was to research how the newspapers wrote about Afghanistan in both 2001 and 2021 to see if there are any differences or
similarities between the newspapers in the reporting. The study also aimed to see if there are
any possible changes to the overall reporting that came with the higher involvement of Sweden in Afghanistan.

In the theoretical framework of this study three different kinds of theories were used to analyse the results. These were media logic, news evaluation and framing. The study used a quantitative content analysis to analyse articles from the four major Swedish newspapers. These newspapers were: Aftonbladet, Expressen, Svenska Dagbladet and Dagens Nyheter. The authors coded the articles that were produced over a fifteen-day-period of the conflict.
Seven days before the official date that Sweden left and seven days after. The reporting from 2001 was based on the results of Nord and Strömbäck´s study of Afghanistan from 2002.

In 2021 the newspapers produced a total of 238 articles about Afghanistan in 15 days. The total is lower than 2001´s when the newspapers produced 272. This shows that the news value was higher in 2001 as more articles per day was produced. The higher Swedish involvement in Afghanistan did not increase the news value of the conflict, despite the 2021 reporting having more articles with a Swedish perspective. The morning newspapers, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet, wrote more articles about the conflict compared to the evening newspapers, Aftonbladet and Expressen. But the evening newspaper used more pictures in their reporting. What the results also showed was how the main topic of each reporting was influenced by the most impactful incidents at the time. In 2001 USA invaded Afghanistan and the newspaper´s main topic in the articles therefore became about war events. By contrast, the 2021 reporting main topic was about the evacuation of the country. Articles with this theme was about the potential threat of the Taliban to Afghanistan´s population and how Swedish citizens still left in the country would be evacuated. Elite sources were often referenced in both conflicts with politicians being the most frequent one. The study overall can be used an example of how war and other foreign conflicts is reported in the modern landscape of journalism and why it remains important to report on these conflicts.